Monday, April 20, 2009

Natalia eating soup 2009-04-16

A normal enough video of a father attempting to feed his toddler daughter, right?

Recently Natalia has been insisting, at times of her choosing of course,
not to allow us to feed her. She wants to feed herself. And I suppose we've reluctantly embraced that step. One way to look at it is that it's normal enough at this age, I guess. Another is that we're the ones as parents wanting our baby girl to stay that way.

Sometimes there's a scene. But sometimes there is no scene. Sometimes it just happens.

Here's a video, minutes later, of her attempting to eat. Believe it or not she did get some into her mouth!

(The video between the one above and the one below is on Facebook due to its large size. I'm on the phone while I'm taking it and not really paying attention to what I'm shooting or what Natalia is doing. But once I looked at it later, I found it so naturally candid. Spoiler alert! Not all of the contents of the bowl get dumped on the tray of her highchair.)

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